D-Test 180ct by Power Chews

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases It’s no secret. Testosterone builds size, it increases strength, and it dramatically improves performance. New Power Chews D-Test is a powerful pro-testosterone booster based on real clinical science. What’s inside are clinically validated ingredients in proven amounts to dramatically increase testosterone

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It’s no secret. Testosterone builds size, it increases strength, and it dramatically improves performance.

New Power Chews D-Test is a powerful pro-testosterone booster based on real clinical science. What’s inside are clinically validated ingredients in proven amounts to dramatically increase testosterone production, significantly reduce muscular damage, and rapidly increase androgen receptor density – creating the ultimate, naturally enhanced anabolic environment for the results you’re after.

Every bottle of D-Test comes packed with 5 deviously delicious, sweet-tooth-satisfying, blow-your-mind flavors that taste out-of-this-world AMAZING! We’re talking about flavors such as Watermelon Felon, Low Down Dirty Lime, the Mango Meanie, the Tropical Tag-Team Terror…the Sucker Punch Bunch – AND a brand new and exclusive flavor to D-Test, Wild Bull Berry. So how do we get our chewables to taste so good, you ask?

If you’ve tried chewables before, you probably remember them tasting chalky – and far from the taste advertised. That’s because traditional chewables use maltodextrin and cellulose to bind, which creates that chalky taste and texture. At Power Chews, we use Xylitol, which is not only healthy for your teeth, but creates a texture and consistency that’s indistinguishable from sweet, mouth-watering candy.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Product Features

  • May Help Increase Lean Muscle Mass
  • May Improve Strength
  • May Aid In Fat Loss
  • May Enhance Muscle Recovery

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