BASE Performance electrolyte salt, 226 Servings tub with 4 refillable race vials. Prevent cramping and gastrointestinal distress using an all natural formula rapidly absorbed under the tongue.

Electrolytes are a conductor of energy and are involved in every muscle contraction during training. If the body is low on electrolytes then muscle contraction cannot occur with the same force. When our electrolytes are combined with water the minerals that are inside the electrolytes can be released into ions, both positive and negatively charged.

Electrolytes are a conductor of energy and are involved in every muscle contraction during training. If the body is low on electrolytes then muscle contraction cannot occur with the same force. When our electrolytes are combined with water the minerals that are inside the electrolytes can be released into ions, both positive and negatively charged. By doing this we are able to give the body a substantial boost of energy through these ionized minerals. BASE Electrolyte Salt provides athletes with superior electrolyte replenishment, enabling them to maximize performance, stay hydrated and fight fatigue. More than just sodium chloride, BASE Salts all natural formula contains 84 essential minerals needed to maintain proper energy and fluid balance and avoid muscle cramps. BASE Salts unique crystalline form is very easily digested, rapidly absorbed and available in the bloodstream to replenish the electrolytes lost in sweat. Not only does it work quickly, it also prevents the gastrointestinal distress caused by many other electrolyte products. Add BASE Salt to your nutrition regime to take your training and competition to the next level. Take 1 to 3 serving per hour of exercise depending on the heat and intensity of your workout to maintain electrolyte balance. For fastest results place salt directly under your tongue and allow it to dissolve directly into your system. For best results and the most efficient recovery, combine one serving of BASE Electrolyte salt with one scoop of BASE Hydro and one scoop of BASE Amino per hour of exercise. We call this RocketFuel.

Product Features

  • BASE Performance Electrolyte Salt provides athletes with superior electrolyte replenishment, enabling them to maximize performance, stay hydrated and fight fatigue.
  • BASE Performance Salts unique crystalline form is very easily digested, rapidly absorbed and available in the bloodstream to replenish the electrolytes lost in sweat. Not only does it work quickly, it also prevents the gastrointestinal distress caused by many other electrolyte products.
  • The 226 serving bulk tub can easily refill the single vials which are good for on the go, and can be easily refilled using the BASE Salt canister. Add BASE Salt to your nutrition regime to take your training and competition to the next level. To-go vial directions Lick your thumb, open the base salt race vial and place thumb on top, shake until thumb contains a layer of salt, close vial and lick your thumb. Allow it to begin dissolving directly into your system via oral transmission.
  • Add BASE Salt to your nutrition regime to take your training and competition to the next level.
  • To-go vial directions: Lick your thumb, open the base salt race vial and place thumb on top, shake until thumb contains a layer of salt, close vial and lick your thumb. Allow it to begin dissolving directly into your system via oral transmission.

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