NightFood Nighttime Craving Snack Bars, 12-Pack, Cookies n’ Dreams Flavor – 25-33% off 1st order w/code NFNEWCUS

Are your night cravings taking over? Spending money on weight loss products or supplements?  Ever thought about better nighttime snacks? Weight watchers and other weight loss experts identify unhealthy nighttime cravings and night snacking as the single biggest weightloss challenge for people dealing with weight management issues. Think about it…How often do you find yourself trying

Are your night cravings taking over?

Spending money on weight loss products or supplements?  Ever thought about better nighttime snacks?

Weight watchers and other weight loss experts identify unhealthy nighttime cravings and night snacking as the single biggest weightloss challenge for people dealing with weight management issues.

Think about it…How often do you find yourself trying to eat the right stuff all day only to mess it all up at night with cookies, chips, ice cream, or candy?

There’s a reason we get the midnight munchies…we’re all drawn to that stuff almost every night. Do you ever really have a “healthy dessert”?

Whether you refer to it as midnight munchies, late-night snack attack, killer cravings…it’s all the same.  At night, your appetite is strongest, cravings are junkiest, and willpower is weakest. That perfect storm is what we call “The CraveMonster”.

Experts recommend a small, healthy bedtime snack of 150 – 200 calories, consisting of mostly complex carbs, with a moderate amount of protein, and a lower glycemic profile.  We formulated NightFood to be exaclty that, and with GREAT taste and high in fiber.

Each bar also contains a full 500mg serving of patented Chocamine, a proprietary, caffeine free cocoa extract that delivers the many health benefits of chocolate, without the extra fat, calories, and sugar you get when you eat chocolate candy.

Bottom line, NightFood is specially formulated to satisfy your night cravings in a better, healthier, more sleep-friendly way. So, you don’t need to try to fight it anymore…

If you haven’t tried NightFood, order a box…or, order two so you can try both flavors.  You’re gonna love your new bedtime healthy snack for kids and adults.

Feed the CraveMonster!

Product Features

  • Are your nighttime cravings taking over? Can’t seem to stay away from the cookies, chips, ice cream, or candy?? Delicious NightFood nighttime nutrition bars are specifically formulated as a better, healthier, more sleep-friendly nighttime snack.
  • Made with patented Chocamine, the PERFECT nighttime ingredient. This caffeine-free cocoa extract delivers all the health benefits of chocolate (satiety, craving suppression, enhanced mood) but without the fat, sugar, calories, and energy boost!
  • At night, when the CraveMonster comes to visit, sometimes it seems almost impossible to made good snack choices. With NightFood, your nighttime snacking problem is solved forever.
  • Indulgent night snacking without the junk, without all the extra calories, and without the guilt!
  • Easy on the calories. Won’t mess with your sleep. Crave-a-licious. And, most importantly, NightFood is CraveMonster approved!

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